Female’s Sexuality & Marriage

In the early 1900s, both love and sex saw a massive cultural change in Russia. With the emergence of Communism at the time, they made major strides toward the idea of ‘free love’, free abortions and no-fault easy divorce in the state. This change brought about mass impregnation of women in the country without the commitment of a provider (men). This period actually coined the now used term, ‘alpha widow’ we in the Manosphere use frequently. When these women had become impregnated by these noncommittal men, the State assumed responsibility for taking care of these children and the mother. As this trend continued for years, institutions and facilities such as State daycares began filling up at unsustainable rates and this saw a steep decline in the quality of these facilities. As it became apparent that this system was not sustainable or beneficial to the country, Russia had to move from this ideology because there were not enough productive families in the nation and too few children being born and raised (as a result of a massive abortion rates). The country reverted to the previous regime that saw the criminalization of abortion and a drastic decrease in welfare benefits, forcing people to not depend on the State anymore.

Though Russia’s failed attempt in the early 1900s was widely known, a large number of young people in the United States adopted the Free Love ideology in mid to late 19th century. Since then, we still observe semblances of the ideology today – one in the form of Feminism and other associated movements that push the egalitarian beliefs of biology and sexuality. Since these movements became prominent in the culture, marriage has seen a substantial dip in success (also dip in marriage rates) and women have become more unstable when considering long term relationships and marriage. Throughout the Manosphere there is a strong held notion that if you are seeking to share a life with a woman in the terms of marriage or LTR, she must have a very low notch count (or virgin, if you can find one) or at least not be an alpha widow. Women today who hear these wants from men typically get on the defensive and proceed to argue that we are all equal and “if men can do it, so can we”. On the surface this seems fair, however we in the Manosphere know that both genders have very different mechanics which goes against the equality trope spewed by society today.

The people at Heritage Foundation did an in-depth study on premarital sex and its likely outcomes within marriage. This post will specifically touch on a few of the results they got and how it affects us men today in the realm of looking towards marriage.

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The table above shows the estimated number of sexual partners a woman will have based on how early she engaged in intercourse. This graph is important because it can help gauge the number of sexual partners your woman or potential LTR women would have had before meeting you. There are always outliers but the chances of having an outlier in your life is not very probable. Since most women do lie about their notch count once they’ve already looked at you as a ‘relationship guy’, talking about first sexual encounters in a light manner should bring her defenses down enough that she would say when she had her first sexual encounter. Upon getting this information and analyzing this graph, you should be able to gauge roughly the number of sexual partners she’s had – taking into consideration factors such as her age etc.

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Women/girls who began sexual activity in their early years (teens) have greater difficulty in forming and sustaining stable marriage. In Red Pill terminology, because they have had as much cocks at an early age, their ability to pair-bond diminishes. Girls who initiate sexual contact at ages 13 or 14 are less than half as likely to be in stable marriages once reaches their 30s.

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These particular graphs shows the the link between sexual activity and happiness/depression. More than half the women who began sexual activity at ages 21 or 22 report that they are currently ‘very happy’ in life. In contrast, only 1/3 of women who began sexual activity at ages 13-14 report they are currently ‘very happy’. In the second graph, results show that around 7% of women that started sexual activity at ages 13 or 14 report that they currently feeling unhappy.However, those who started at ages 21 or 22 only accounted for 3% unhappiness. These graphs are also crucial because you don’t want to be the guy in the  5 year relationship who hears her say that she’s bored and she needs to “find herself” to become happy.

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Women who had 0 sexual partners before marriage were estimated to have an 80% success rate in marriage. Interestingly enough, just 1 sexual partner outside of marriage drops the success rate to 53%. From here the numbers continue to decrease as sexual partner count rises. Personally, this to me is probably the most valuable graph because it gives credence to the notion that you should marry a virgin woman or at least a women with no more than 2 partner counts, though the success rate goes into the negative end at partner 2.  Lastly, a study based on data from the National Survey of Family Growth 1995 cycle involved over 6500 women showed that cohabitation before marriage was another factor that increased the risk of subsequent divorce of a couple. This is because those couples who practice cohabitation tend to not value marriage highly and are likely to divorce when stress is put onto marriage. Other than this fact, Rollo specifically touches on the idea of cohabitation and why its a terrible idea for men. One of his Iron Rules: “NEVER under any circumstance live with a woman you aren’t married to or are not planning to marry in within 6 months” is pretty much spot on when compared to the statistics given above, though the reasons are different.

In conclusion, these graphs are more or less self-explanatory, it continues to give validity to the old age belief that a woman’s past is very important when gauging for LTR or marriage potential. In an age where divorce can literally ruin a man’s entire life and his empire, information such as these should be taken into consideration when making major relationship decisions. As fellow blogger McQueen once tweeted, “who you marry (if you do) will be the most important decision you ever make in life, better make sure she’s up for the job”. As such, I advise fellow men to not be naive when looking for a serious relationship with a woman and take steps to make sure you’re making the right decision.

4 thoughts on “Female’s Sexuality & Marriage”

  1. I bashed you a little on TRP as you made a shit post. But I read your article and I agree and have always told guys to Vet their woman before marriage. It seems that the abundance mentality is virtually nonexistent in a majority of ‘men’ out there. This is due to the female imperative that has been pushed for the past 50 years.

    Guys nowadays think that they should just be happy that ANY woman is talking to them and that if they judge a woman based on her past is somehow ‘wrong’. This is an absurd notion, would you buy a car that has 300,000 miles on it? If you can judge a car by it’s past, then you can certainly judge a person you are considering spending your life with.

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